Côr Caerdydd - Côr yr Ŵyl yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Rhondda Cynon Taf 2024!
Ar ddydd Sadwrn cyntaf Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Rhondda Cynon Taf, roedd wyth o gorau’n brwydro yn y Gystadleuaeth Gorawl Eisteddfodau Cymru. Gosododd yr Arweinydd, Gwawr Owen, gryn her i’r Côr, gan fod y tri darn hunanddewisiad i gyd yn ddigyfeiliant. Dim piano felly i helpu’r cantorion, ond un fantais o hyn oedd bod y cyfeilydd, Dafydd Huw, yn medru ymuno â rhengoedd y baswyr! Cafwyd ymateb brwd gan y gynulleidfa, ac roedd yn amlwg fod y beirniaid hefyd yn wedi eu plesio, wrth i Gôr Caerdydd gyrraedd y brig a chipio’r wobr gyntaf. Dyma’r bedwaredd tro ar ddeg i’r Côr ennill yn y Genedlaethol, ac roedd deuddeg o’r aelodau gwreiddiol dal i ganu eleni, a chwech yn cystadlu am y tro cyntaf.
Y nos Sadwrn canlynol, ar ôl wythnos brysur o ddyletswyddau eisteddfodol, bu rhaid i Gwawr adael Y Maes, er mwyn paratoi i hedfan dramor yn gynnar y bore wedyn. A hithau ar fin camu ar y trên gartref o Bontypridd i’r ddinas, derbyniodd alwad ffôn, yn gofyn iddi ddychwelyd i Faes y Brifwyl ar fyrder, er mwyn derbyn gwobr arall - sef Côr Yr Ŵyl! Tipyn o gamp wrth ystyried fod 63 o gorau wedi cystadlu’n y gwahanol gategorïau’n ystod yr wythnos, a’r tro cyntaf i Gôr Caerdydd ennill y clod arbennig yma. Braf gwybod fod y Côr, sydd wedi bod yn brysur yn canu a chystadlu ers 1992, yn cael eu hystyried fel “Y Côr mwyaf addawol o blith holl gystadlaethau corawl yr Eisteddfod yn nhyb y beirniaid”!
Yn anffodus, oherwydd fod nifer o’r aelodau wedi cael eu heintio gan Covid yn ystod yr Ŵyl, nid oedd cyfIe i bawb ddathlu’r dwbl ar y Maes. Ond fe ddaw cyfle’n fuan wrth i’r Côr edrych ymlaen yn eiddgar at dymor newydd. Un o uchafbwyntiau’r Hydref fydd trip i’r Eidal i gymryd rhan yng Ngŵyl Carwyn James. Ydi, mae pethau’n edrych yn addawol iawn!
Mae croeso cynnes i unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn canu corawl, i ymuno gyda Chôr cymysg gorau Cymru! Am fanylion pellach, cysylltwch â Gwawr Owen
On the opening Saturday of the 2024 Welsh National Eisteddfod at Rhondda Cynon Taf, a grand total of eight choirs competed in the Eisteddfodau of Wales Choral Competition. Côr Caerdydd’s Conductor, Gwawr Owen, set quite a challenge by choosing three unaccompanied pieces. No piano at hand to help the singers then, but one advantage was that their regular accompanist, Dafydd Huw was able to add his voice to support the Bassists! A very warm reception was given by The Pavilion audience, and the adjudicators were also obviously impressed as Côr Caerdydd won first prize. This was the fourteenth time for the choir to win at the National Eisteddfod, and twelve of the original members were on stage, as well as six new members competing for the first time.
On the following Saturday evening, after a packed schedule at the Eisteddfod, Gwawr had to leave early, to prepare for a flight abroad the following morning. Just as she was about to board the train from Pontypridd to Cardiff, she received an urgent phone call, asking if she could return to the Maes pronto, in order to receive another award – this time for the festival’s Choir of Choirs! No mean feat, considering that a grand total of sixty-three choirs had competed in a myriad of categories throughout the week. This was the first occasion for Côr Caerdydd to win this prestigious award. And it’s certainly heartening to be acknowledged by the adjudicators as “the most promising among all the choirs which competed in this year’s Eisteddfod” – especially considering that it’s been busy competing since 1992!
Unfortunately, by this point many members of the choir had caught the latest strain of the Covid virus, so it wasn’t possible to have a well-earned celebration on the field. But once voices are restored, glasses will soon be raised as the Choir looks forward enthusiastically to a new season. One of their Autumn highlights is a trip to Italy to participate in the Carwyn James Choral Festival. Yes, things are certainly promising!
If anyone is interested in joining the best mixed choir in Wales, Côr Caerdydd is always ready to receive new members! For more details, please get in touch with Gwawr Owen